Hello and Welcome to Reception

Below, you will find some useful information about life in Reception Class.


The children will bring home two reading books each week. Please try to hear your child read as often as possible and comment in their reading diary.

Please try to make sure the reading books are in school everyday so we can hear your child read in school as well. These books will be changed on a Friday.


Our PE days are Tuesday and Friday.

Please come in PE kits on these days.

Class Teacher

Mrs Ford

Gemma Wyles

Class Teacher

Mrs Marshall

Shelley Marshall

Teaching Assistants

Mrs Coyle

Paula Coyle

Coming soon

In Reception we use the scheme ‘Essential Letters and Sounds’ to teach phonics.

This following website gives information about the scheme and has a video which explains how to pronounce each sound and blend them together to read words:

Oxford Owl – Essential Letters and Sounds

Meet the Staff for this Class


Miss Wyles

Teaching Assistants

Miss Flynn

Miss Gibbons

Useful Links

Useful Information for Parents