As a school, we are expected to teach Relationship and Sex Education.

On this page are the RSE Policy document and also links where parents are able to view the materials that school will use.

RSE is a subject that will always be taught sensitively and by the child’s usual class teacher.  For the older year groups (Years 5 and 6), there will also be the opportunity to ask questions in a single gender group, to a teacher of the same gender.  Teachers may use other material to support the teaching of RSE and to adapt the materials to best suit the class they are teaching.

If you do have any questions or concerns about the RSE policy or the materials to be used, please contact Mr Sellors at school.  Parents do have the right to withdraw their child from RSE lessons – and the policy allows for this after a meeting with the Headteacher – where the content in the RSE session sits outside of the National Curriculum for science.